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Archive for the ‘ViewSVN’ category

ViewSVN Prematurely EOL’d

Posted on August 25, 2007 at 23:31 UTC, filed under the category ViewSVN.

ViewSVN has been end-of-life’d and I will no longer be developing it. This is due simply to the fact that as of noon PDT today, went offline (and thus my Subversion repository host). In preparation for this, I’ve moved almost all my projects to Git repositories (which do not require any special server to host).

So ViewSVN never made it out of the beta phase, which is a shame because I feel it had a lot of potential. I’ll be converting the repository from SVN to Git (so that the repository history is accessible and open for forking if people desire to do so) and uploading it shortly. However, as I said above, active development of ViewSVN has ceased and will likely not continue, especially with how content with Git I am.