07.02.10 13:32:07 Firewall[60] MacGDBp is listening from proto=6 07.02.10 13:32:36 Firewall[60] MacGDBp is listening from proto=6 07.02.10 13:37:15 MacGDBp[25199] [QL] Can't get plugin bundle info at /Applications/GarageBand.app/Contents/Library/QuickLook/GBQLGenerator.qlgenerator/ 07.02.10 13:49:12 MacGDBp[25199] [QL] Can't get plugin bundle info at /Applications/GarageBand.app/Contents/Library/QuickLook/GBQLGenerator.qlgenerator/ 07.02.10 13:49:56 Firewall[60] MacGDBp is listening from proto=6 07.02.10 13:52:15 Firewall[60] MacGDBp is listening from proto=6 07.02.10 14:05:54 Firewall[60] MacGDBp is listening from proto=6 07.02.10 14:11:17 com.apple.launchd.peruser.501[98] ([0x0-0x427427].org.bluestatic.macgdbp[25367]) Job appears to have crashed: Segmentation fault 07.02.10 14:11:18 ReportCrash[25463] Saved crash report for MacGDBp[25367] version 1.3.1 (34) to /Users/tobias/Library/Logs/DiagnosticReports/MacGDBp_2010-02-07-141118_Beaver.crash 07.02.10 14:21:30 Firewall[25518] MacGDBp is listening from proto=6 07.02.10 14:21:49 Firewall[25518] MacGDBp is listening from proto=6 07.02.10 14:29:34 Firewall[25518] MacGDBp is listening from proto=6 07.02.10 14:30:06 Firewall[25518] MacGDBp is listening from proto=6 07.02.10 14:30:08 MacGDBp[25510] couldn't bind to the socket... trying again in 5 07.02.10 14:30:09 MacGDBp[25510] couldn't bind to the socket... trying again in 5 07.02.10 14:30:13 Firewall[25518] MacGDBp is listening from proto=6 07.02.10 14:30:14 MacGDBp[25510] couldn't bind to the socket... trying again in 5 07.02.10 14:30:19 MacGDBp[25510] couldn't bind to the socket... trying again in 5 07.02.10 14:30:24 MacGDBp[25510] couldn't bind to the socket... trying again in 5 07.02.10 14:30:29 Firewall[25518] MacGDBp is listening from proto=6 07.02.10 14:30:29 MacGDBp[25510] couldn't bind to the socket... trying again in 5 07.02.10 14:30:30 Firewall[25518] MacGDBp is listening from proto=6 07.02.10 14:30:30 MacGDBp[25510] -[GDBpConnection setError:]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x2142f0 07.02.10 14:30:30 MacGDBp[25510] -[GDBpConnection setError:]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x2142f0 07.02.10 14:30:34 MacGDBp[25510] -[GDBpConnection setError:]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x2142f0 07.02.10 14:30:34 MacGDBp[25510] -[GDBpConnection setError:]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x2142f0 07.02.10 14:31:59 Firewall[25518] MacGDBp is listening from proto=6 07.02.10 14:33:14 MacGDBp[25510] [QL] Can't get plugin bundle info at /Applications/GarageBand.app/Contents/Library/QuickLook/GBQLGenerator.qlgenerator/ 07.02.10 14:34:39 MacGDBp[25510] couldn't bind to the socket... trying again in 5 07.02.10 14:34:40 MacGDBp[25510] couldn't bind to the socket... trying again in 5 07.02.10 14:34:44 MacGDBp[25510] couldn't bind to the socket... trying again in 5 07.02.10 14:34:45 MacGDBp[25510] couldn't bind to the socket... trying again in 5 07.02.10 14:34:49 MacGDBp[25510] couldn't bind to the socket... trying again in 5 07.02.10 14:34:50 MacGDBp[25510] couldn't bind to the socket... trying again in 5 07.02.10 14:34:54 MacGDBp[25510] couldn't bind to the socket... trying again in 5 07.02.10 14:34:55 MacGDBp[25510] couldn't bind to the socket... trying again in 5 07.02.10 14:34:59 MacGDBp[25510] couldn't bind to the socket... trying again in 5 07.02.10 14:35:00 MacGDBp[25510] couldn't bind to the socket... trying again in 5 07.02.10 14:35:04 MacGDBp[25510] -[GDBpConnection setError:]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x2142f0 07.02.10 14:35:04 MacGDBp[25510] -[GDBpConnection setError:]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x2142f0 07.02.10 14:35:05 MacGDBp[25510] -[GDBpConnection setError:]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x2142f0 07.02.10 14:35:05 MacGDBp[25510] -[GDBpConnection setError:]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x2142f0 07.02.10 14:35:37 Firewall[25518] MacGDBp is listening from proto=6 07.02.10 14:36:16 Firewall[25518] MacGDBp is listening from proto=6 07.02.10 16:20:59 Firewall[25518] MacGDBp is listening from proto=6 07.02.10 16:21:28 Firewall[25518] MacGDBp is listening from proto=6 07.02.10 16:23:17 Firewall[25518] MacGDBp is listening from proto=6