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Andrew Herron
Bugdar / 1.1.3
Status ?
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- none -
Fixed in Revision ?
Mstone ?
Summary ?
Admin -> Users: allow for a paginated list of all registered users
Report Time ?
November 14, 2006 05:02 PM
Assignment ?
Resolution ?
Priority ?
Dependencies ?
- none -
Mstone (old) ?

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Total: 0

November 14, 2006 05:02 PM Andrew Herron
Right now I'm having to search with nothing in the text box in order to get a list of users. It would be great to have the search but after it to begin the list of users with pages to move through the list.

November 14, 2006 07:48 PM Robert
Agreed. The pagination system needs to be changed slightly (well more than slightly) to accommodate the use in the admin pages. Slating for 1.2.0.

On November 14, 2006 07:48 PM, Robert changed:
On November 16, 2006 01:46 AM, Robert changed:
November 25, 2006 07:26 PM Robert
Fixed on trunk for 1.2.0.

--------------- AUTOMATIC RESPONSE ---------------
Thank you for your bug report. This issue has been closed and fixed in Subversion. This change will be available in a future release, but you can download the change at any time from the Subversion server.

On November 25, 2006 07:26 PM, Robert changed: