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Problem with selecting timezone and updating profile refresh loop
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October 18, 2006 05:42 AM
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October 18, 2006 05:42 AM
I just tried to update my controls, to display the correct time for my location, +9.5. When i select this option, and apply the change, it reverts to +9.0 when it comes back to the control page.

I also noticed a bigger problem when updating the profile. After it came up with the success page, and started the redirect, firefox prompted me saying the following:
"The page you are trying to view contains POSTDATA. If you resend the data, any action the form carried out (such as a search or online purchase) will be repeated. To resend the data, click OK. Otherwise, click Cancel."
Clicking OK just goes back to the success page and it prompts me again. If i click the 'click here to redirect manually' link, this goes to the my controls page, and stops the POSTDATA prompt loop.

On October 18, 2006 06:06 AM, Robert changed:
October 18, 2006 06:06 AM Robert
I was able to confirm the timezone issue and I have fixed that (r1266) in SVN so it will appear in the next release.

However, I cannot confirm the redirection issue with Firefox. What version are you using on what operating system? On Mac OS X with Firefox I cannot confirm this issue. And the profile saving page works the same as any other redirection page so do you get this anywhere else? And can you reproduce it consistently? If so, can you give me the exact steps (like do you ever touch the back button on your browser?).

November 1, 2006 02:10 PM
Apologies for taking so long to reply, I have been away.

I just tried again to reproduce the issue i was having, but its not present on this system. Im not using the same system i was when i originally posted the problem though. I will reply again if i see this issue when i get my original system back.

November 2, 2006 02:53 AM Robert
I've upgraded to Firefox 2.0 and still do not have this issue. If you know, what type of server is it running on? It may be doing weird things.

November 4, 2006 10:59 AM
I was having the problems with the installation on this website. I have the system back i was experiencing it on, and it is no longer occurring... must have been a freak problem.

Something i did just notice in testing this though, when you go to edit the controls, the email address appears in the email box. That means to update you have to type both the password, and the email in the confirm email box to continue. If your not editing your email, that can get quite annoying. Could this be changed somehow?

November 6, 2006 04:20 PM Robert
That would be your browser's auto-fill populating those fields--by default they're not populated. I can, however, change the names of those fields to prevent them from being easily recognized by your browser.

On November 6, 2006 04:20 PM, Robert changed:
November 8, 2006 05:16 AM Robert
I've updated the templates here with the change. Is your browser still autofilling the fields for you or has it now stopped?

November 16, 2006 03:34 AM
When i went to my profile page just then, the email was not autofilling, so it appears to be fixed.