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Total: 0
October 29, 2017 06:25 PM
Whether this is possible or not, it would be good to add it to the website/documentation.
~ php -d zend_extension="/usr/lib/php/extensions/no-debug-non-zts-20131226/" -r 'echo ini_get("zend_extension");'
Cannot load Xdebug - extension already loaded
~ php -d xdebug.remote_enable=1 -d xdebug.remote_host=localhost -d xdebug.remote_port=9000 -d xdebug.remote_autostart=1 -r 'xdebug_break();'
It does not activate in the attached debugger on 9000 like it does with phpunit:
php -d xdebug.remote_enable=1 -d xdebug.remote_host=localhost -d xdebug.remote_port=9000 -d xdebug.remote_autostart=1 ./vendor/phpunit/phpunit/phpunit --bootstrap file.php tests/fileTest.php
~ php -d zend_extension="/usr/lib/php/extensions/no-debug-non-zts-20131226/" -r 'echo ini_get("zend_extension");'
Cannot load Xdebug - extension already loaded
~ php -d xdebug.remote_enable=1 -d xdebug.remote_host=localhost -d xdebug.remote_port=9000 -d xdebug.remote_autostart=1 -r 'xdebug_break();'
It does not activate in the attached debugger on 9000 like it does with phpunit:
php -d xdebug.remote_enable=1 -d xdebug.remote_host=localhost -d xdebug.remote_port=9000 -d xdebug.remote_autostart=1 ./vendor/phpunit/phpunit/phpunit --bootstrap file.php tests/fileTest.php
October 29, 2017 06:27 PM
Fyi, to add more keywords for searching, I want do debug code given on the command line (CLI), but it does not seem to trigger.
September 4, 2019 01:16 PM
Sorry, I do not know, but this is not a support forum.
On September 4, 2019 01:16 PM, Robert changed:
- Status from "Unconfirmed" to "Closed"
- Resolution from "Open" to "Invalid"