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Rob Agar
MacGDBp / 1.4.1
Status ?
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Mstone ?
Summary ?
Modified php source files are not reloaded
Report Time ?
February 1, 2012 03:44 PM
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- none -
Mstone (old) ?

For: 3 (100%)
Against: 0 (0%)
Total: 3

February 1, 2012 03:44 PM Rob Agar
The bottom pane is not reloaded after code modification, so the display does not reflect the true code state.

This means that the code is not actually the code being executed if a php source file is edited between requests.

March 30, 2013 10:53 PM David Partington
Confirmed this bug. I am running under MAMP on 10.8.3 and PHP 5.4.10. Updated files on the server are not reloaded in to MacGDBp and requires a restart.

April 3, 2014 12:21 AM alohaglide
Confirmed as well with MAMP, 10.9.2, and php 5.5.10. Would be fabulous to make reloading an option.

April 3, 2014 12:22 AM alohaglide
Confirmed as well with MAMP, 10.9.2, and php 5.5.10. Would be fabulous to make reloading an option.

January 31, 2016 10:31 PM Robert

--------------- AUTOMATIC RESPONSE ---------------
Thank you for your bug report. This issue has been closed and fixed in git. This change will be available in a future release, but you can download the change at any time from the git repository, found at http://www.bluestatic.org/git/.

On January 31, 2016 10:31 PM, Robert changed: