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Bugdar / 1.2.3
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Date (submitted since) in search fenster wrong - e.g. 90 days works as 90 hours...
Report Time ?
June 25, 2010 09:04 AM
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- none -
Mstone (old) ?

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June 25, 2010 09:04 AM dtmackenzie
In search.php there are a couple of lines that read -
// now - (seconds/day * number of days)
$dateline = time() - ($bugsys->input_clean('date', TYPE_INT) * 3600);
Of course this should be -
$dateline = time() - ($bugsys->input_clean('date', TYPE_INT) * 86400);

Nevertheless, Bugdar is great - thank you!

June 25, 2010 09:14 AM dtmackenzie
With "fenster" in the description I meant "window" - sorry, I'm living in Germany and although English is my mother tongue, German words sometimes pop up in the middle of a sentence! :-)
By the way, I reported this under version 1.2.3 although my installation of Bugdar has version 1.2.4 - version 1.2.4 doesn't seem to be in this DB yet.