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MacGDBp / 1.3.1
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Crashes on non-existent php function
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February 15, 2010 08:26 AM
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Mstone (old) ?

bug-194.php Non-reproducing test case
For: 0 (0%)
Against: 0 (0%)
Total: 0

February 15, 2010 08:26 AM alex

Say you've got a function like this:

function helloworld()

and you accidentally type heloworld(); to call it, macgdbp crashes :)

February 15, 2010 04:50 PM Robert
Do you have a test case? I can't reproduce this with the attached file. Also, please upload the crash report file as an attachment (found in ~/Library/CrashReports).

February 16, 2010 08:16 AM alex
Crap, I can't reproduce the issue anymore :(
I'll report back when I'm able to do so.

February 17, 2010 06:22 AM Robert
The crash report would be helpful and may be useful in determining the cause. You can find it in ~/Library/Logs/CrashReporter.

February 17, 2010 07:45 AM alex
Ok, I've added 2 crashreports.

February 17, 2010 01:50 PM Robert
This appears to have the same root cause as bug 193.

On February 17, 2010 01:50 PM, Robert changed: