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Adam DiCarlo
Bugdar / 1.2.3
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Summary ?
Apostrophes break search queries
Report Time ?
November 26, 2009 08:18 PM
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- none -
Mstone (old) ?

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November 26, 2009 08:18 PM Adam DiCarlo
I do not know which version of Bugdar this report is for--it's whatever bluestatic.org/bugs/ is currently running.

When I tried this search "can't open files" I got an error page showing that MySQL complained of an error in the query. The error is that the ' is not being escaped. Searching for "can''t open files" was successful.

November 26, 2009 08:21 PM Robert
Hiding for now as this may be a security issue. P1.

On November 26, 2009 08:21 PM, Robert changed:
On November 26, 2009 08:52 PM, Robert changed:
November 27, 2009 03:50 AM Robert
Released Bugdar 1.2.4 to address this issue. Thank you for the disclosure.

On November 27, 2009 03:50 AM, Robert changed: