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Andrew Petersen
Bugdar / 1.2.3
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User Options: displayname cannot be blank
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June 12, 2009 07:50 PM
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June 12, 2009 07:50 PM Andrew Petersen
When I go to options, and attempt to change anything (or even if I don't), it shows an error: displayname cannot be blank. Yet there is no displayname field! Looking at your installation of bugdar, it seems like there IS a display name in the options. Do you know what's going on?

June 18, 2009 04:45 AM Andrew Petersen
I discovered the error. I'm using a custom authentication module that differs from the bugdar default auth in a very subtle way, and there is an if conditional in the user options template that only showed the display name if the auth mode was default.

This bug can be closed!

July 22, 2009 03:01 AM Robert
Custom authentication does require template changes for certain setups. There just isn't a way around this, and it's very minor.

On July 22, 2009 03:01 AM, Robert changed: