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MacGDBp / 1.2.0
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Preference option to color-code variable types
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February 15, 2009 03:14 AM
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Mstone (old) ?

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February 15, 2009 03:14 AM Jesse Bacon
I would like to suggest the option to color-code variable types in the preference menu. This might allow for quick distinction when viewing a large list of variables. The implementation might be (only a suggestion):

- ability to color the _font_ of non-object types -- string, boolean, integer, floating points, array, resources (1 color per type ie - red for boolean, green for string, etc )
- ability to color the _background_ of object type (1 color for all objects)
- ability to color the (background, i guess?) superglobals as distinct from object colorings.

Thanks in advance and keep up the great work!

March 30, 2010 03:56 PM Robert
Targeting for the 1.4 milestone.

On March 30, 2010 03:56 PM, Robert changed: