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Andreas N.
Bugdar / 1.0.1
Status ?
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- none -
Fixed in Revision ?
Mstone ?
Summary ?
Wanted Feature: Quick Filter
Report Time ?
April 18, 2006 09:10 AM
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- none -
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Priority ?
Dependencies ?
Mstone (old) ?

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Total: 0

April 18, 2006 09:10 AM Andreas N.
I'd like to be able to hide the Closed/Fixed reports by having som quick filter option like a checkbox at the top maybe.
Also maybe a select to display bugs reported by a specific user.

The search is good, but to complex

On April 18, 2006 01:44 PM, Robert changed:
April 18, 2006 01:45 PM Robert
This is kind of related to another bug (#9). I'll see about adding this as a quick-sort option, too.

On April 18, 2006 01:45 PM, Robert changed: