Blue Static

Edoc 2.0/ISSO 2.0

Posted on April 13, 2006 at 04:42 UTC, filed under the category Edoc.

Time for another development update. At the moment, everything has been finished feature-wise for both Edoc and ISSO2. I’ve been testing and looking for bugs for a few weeks now and have not run across any show-stoppers. Currently, the only thing keeping me from release is finishing off the new navigation framework that’s used by the Printer module, as well as the new style to go along with it. I want to make sure that these are designed well because the components will be reused again in nearly every ISSO application. I’m hoping to have the entire project finished off by the end of the week, with a release very late this week or early next week.

And, of course, once Edoc and ISSO2 are out the door, work on Bugdar 1.1 will go into full swing. I cannot wait to start implementing all of the ISSO2 goodies into Bugdar–it’ll make the code so much more pleasurable to work with, namely the API system.

SVN Opened

Posted on March 30, 2006 at 03:03 UTC, filed under the category Uncategorized.

Because I have now received a few requests to open up my SVN repositories (the earliest one was today), I have done so now that I’m nearing the time to release Edoc 2 and ISSO2.

So, I have opened up the following repositories:

It should be noted, however, that Bugdar’s development for 1.1 has not yet started in full-swing. This will happen once Edoc 2 is released.

As for the release of Bugdar 1.1: development will go into full-swing in about two weeks from today (I am extremely busy this week and will not be here at all next week). In that time, Edoc should be finished up so that will be released (I’m extremely close). And as the most requested feature is notifications, I will be sure to work on implementing that as the first feature. Once Bugdar 1.1 development commences, I’ll be posting more regular updates here to inform you on it’s progress. I’d expect the final version of 1.1 out sometime in early-to-mid July, but you’ll be welcome to get the SVN version any time.

And finally, a note about SVN versions: any of the code that is checked into SVN is not guaranteed to work. I don’t have a strict committing policy of only checking in fully-functioning items. You have been warned.

Opening SVN

Posted on January 31, 2006 at 06:56 UTC, filed under the category Uncategorized.

If you have ever opened an Iris Studios source file, you see something that looks like this:

|| ###################################################################
|| # $HeadURL: $
|| # $Id: index.php 273 2006-01-03 05:44:57Z rsesek $
|| ###################################################################

If you have ever visited the URL, you’ll know that you are greeted with a password prompt (after getting the unsigned certificate notice :D). In the next few days, I think I’ll be opening up the source repositories to Bugdar, ISSO, and Edoc.

I figure that it’s in the open source tradition to open up source trees, and such I feel that since those three products will all be released under the GNU GPL upon their next major release, it is fitting to follow tradition.

Stay tuned for when the repositories open up!

T-48 Hours

Posted on January 14, 2006 at 23:48 UTC, filed under the category Bugdar.

With 48 hours left to go before I (intend) to release Bugdar 1.0, I’m starting to get the pre-release chills.

The problem is that Bugdar 1.0 uses ISSO1–which does not have a lot of the really cool new modules in ISSO2. One of these modules is an API class which allows for a unique implementation of ActiveRecord that makes database interaction quite simple. At the moment, there’s a lot of top-down logic in Bugdar and I really would like to remove it, but because ISSO2 isn’t ready, I’m not able to take advantage of it.

So why don’t I just back-port the API module? Well, it uses some of the new ISSO2 kernel methods and I also want to implement a new feature in it (relations between API classes–which will be quite helpful).

And the lack of an APIs in Bugdar means that there’s no import system from Bugzilla, Mantis, Flyswatter, etc. which is where I hope people will move from. Without the APIs, it’ll be quite a paint to write the importers–so I’m holding off on writing those.

So importers are deferred to the next major release–which is months away. I don’t want people to wait that long, but I also want new features. So I think I’ll be splitting up the feature list for 1.1 (which is now rather lengthy–most of which will be easy to implement once the logic is cleaned up with the API system) into two parts: quick features that won’t take long and aren’t very innovative, and then the way cool features for 1.2. And of course, the importers will be released in 1.1 when all the logic goes to APIs.

That aside, I’m very proud of Bugdar 1.0. At the moment, I’m hunting down bugs and doing a whole bunch of testing in everything I can possibly think of. Also, I’m continuing to write the administrative documentation. Currently, the entire administrative control panel has been documented in full, but things like installation have not. Finally, I’m starting to write the updates to the main website that will go live upon release.

So, T-48 hours until lift off…

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