Blue Static

MacGDBp 1.4 Released [u]

Posted on February 26, 2011 at 18:08 UTC, filed under the category MacGDBp. Tags: mac os x, MacGDBp,

After a slight delay trying to track down some bugs, I’ve decided to push MacGDBp 1.4 to stable distribution. While this release is not quite perfect and there are a few known issues (listed on the project page), I was tired of blocking the release on relatively minor bugs. This release has been a year in the making, and it makes significant improvements over the 1.3 branch. To find out more about what went into making this new version, check out some of the older posts on the blog.

You can download MacGDBp 1.4 from this page. Please file any new issues in the bug tracker.

Update: A minor bug had to be fixed with the released package. I’ve pushed a new binary and the few people who have downloaded the update will be prompted to update again.

Tracking Info:
Current SHA1: 4ce0d31 d746f73e
Version: .83
Last Release Build: 2011-02-26 14:21:17 2011-02-26 12:29:16