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MacGDBp 1.4 Beta 1

Posted on December 18, 2010 at 22:17 UTC, filed under the category MacGDBp. Tags: mac os x, MacGDBp,

I’m happy to announce the first beta of MacGDBp 1.4. This release represents nearly a year’s worth of work rewriting the entire internal structure of the application. As mentioned previously, MacGDBp 1.4 now communicates to the backend in an asynchronous manner. Not only does this change increase the robustness of the program, it should no longer beachball while waiting for responses from Xdebug. Because it took such a long time to stabilize this branch, there is very little in the way of new features for this release: almost all the work for this release was done for making the network changes and increasing stability.

One new point to be aware of is that the concept of “reconnect” is gone in this version. Instead, the debugger is now either attached to the backend or is detached. When attached, MacGDBp will start debugging any connections from Xdebug. When detached, MacGDBp will send the “detach” command immediately after receiving any new connections, aborting the debug.

There is one known issue:

You can download MacGDBp 1.4 Beta 1 from this page. Please try out this new version and file any new issues in the bug tracker.

Tracking Info:
Current SHA1: 1ffc93e
Version: β1
Last Release Build: 2010-12-18 14:18:34


Comment by Drew J. Sonne on 2010-12-19 17:50:33 +0000

Brilliant! I use this app on a daily basis at my job. Much speedier and fewer beachballs. Thanks for the effort, man!